Zangersheide bring in the services of Aganix du Seigneur.

Zangersheide 3

It’s become a custom in recent years for the Belgian studbook Zangersheide to bring in a new reproducer before the winter season. Last year, it was the turn of the young stallion Sir Obolensky Z (Stakkato) while this year the big buy for the Belgians comes in the form of Aganix du Seigneur.
The new addition is an 8 year-old stallion, son to Ogano Sitte who boasts an impressive dam-line of great quality and its mother is none other than the Olympic horse Gute Sitte. Aganix du Seigneur reached GP status with Jos Lansink and the rider immediately saw the abilities and qualities of a leading horse.
However, a serious injury brought its sporting career to an end and it will now dedicate its career exclusively to breeding purposes, a role in which it has already shown promising signs. Offspring include the likes of Akarad Hero Z and Golden Boy Hero Z who stood out at the Z Festival whereas the 4 year-old Agadance van’t Gelutt Z is considered one of the best 4 year-olds in the country.
The services of Aganix du Seigneur Z will be made available to horse-breeders starting from 2016.

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