World Day of Autism Riding the Blue in Rome

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In conjunction with the World Day of Autism the “Riding the Blue“ initiative will take place, organized with the collaboration of various associations and the patronage of FISE, EQUITABILE AND ACSI, the event will be hosted within the Giardini di Villa Borghese April 2, 2015 in Rome.
“The excitement has no voice“ non-profit organization, the ” Humanitarian Association Luca Grisoria “non-profit associations are involved in the event with the primary purpose of raising awareness of the issue of autism and social inclusion through horse and equine-therapy, which is now widely proven to work.
There will be basic horse-riding with the support of technicians, for young riders and more skilled members plus there will also be a carriage option.
The event is open to all who wish to participate and watch.
Equitabile press release.

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