Westphalen overtakes KWPN in WBFSH leaderboard

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The KWPN studbook has lost first place in the WBFSH rankings to the German Westphalian studbook.
The change occurred thanks to the descendants of Cornet Obolensky as Cornet d’Amour won the last stage of the World Cup in Lyon with Daniel Deusser in addition to Cornado (in the final with Marcus Ehning) and Cornet’s Cristallo.
The highest ranked representatives from KWPN are: Chaman (Baloubet du Rouet), Silvana HDC (Corland), VDL Groep Verdi (Quidam de Revel), Willow (Guidam), Tamira IV (Damiro) and Vindicat W (Guidam).
In the individual WBFSH list, Ursula XII (Ahorn) of Scott Brash leads the way.
source: https://data.fei.org/Ranking/Search.aspx?rankingCode=S_WR_H

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