Verona FEI World Cup: good performances from Luca Maria Moneta and Alberto Zorzi

Rolex FEI World Cup 1 1 2

A spectacular timed competition this morning in races for the Rolex FEI World Cup in Verona. Riding on Connery, Italian Luca Maria Moneta finished in fourth position a fast lap in just 57.63 seconds.
The trial went to Spaniard Sergio Alvarez Moya on Sirius (0;54,30), second to Germany’s Christian Ahlmann on Firth of Clyde (0;5476) and third for the multi champion from Canada Eric Lamaze on Wang Chung M2s (0;54,79).
Also good for Alberto Zorzi, the last entrant, who managed to get himself fifth position on Carlotta in a time of 57.91.
No errors on the obstacles but three penalties for the young Francesca Capponi on Stallone.

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