Top Gun clone ready to be bred


The issue of cloning is an interesting topic with a host of scientific as well as ethical issues associated with it.
One of the most striking cases comes from one of the best jumpers of the 90’s, Top Gun, who was brought back to life thanks to modern cloning techniques.
It certainly isn’t the first example of cloning in the breeding sector in sport (Chellano Alpha Z is another noteworthy case), but it only seems right to raise question marks over the issue.
Let’s start from the beginning and describe Top Gun in greater detail who has aroused so much interest from those associated with stud-farms and studbooks.
The 1982 Hanoverian was born from Grannus x Wianka (Winnetou) and started competition with Nick Skelton before being sold to Jan Tops with whom he rode to victory in the European championships and to Olympic gold in Barcelona with the Dutch team.
Bought by Alfonso Romo, Top Gun won 9 International grand prix competitions and Tops himself described the horse as unique and amongst the best horses that he had ever ridden.
Top Gun retired in 1999 but remained in Walkensvaard with Jan Tops. His cells have been banked with Cryozootech since 2002 and he was one of the first horses to do so with Cryozootech and Eric Palmer.
The horse, who was bred by Fritz Holz, died in 2005 and attempts to clone him started in 2006. The results of the cloning were seen in 2010 with the birth of Top Gun Cryozootech on the 16th of March in 2010.
Just like Top Gun, he is a striking black colt, with 4 socks and a blaze which is a slightly different coat to the original that had three socks and a star with a narrow blaze.
It is not yet known where the colt will ultimately end up, but it’s believed that he could make his way to Europe.
There are many question marks about cloning, starting with the ethical one. Cloning is a principal that goes against nature and the danger is that the clone is deprived of its own identity.
The breeders meanwhile say that this could bring numerous benefits and in particular to the current blood lines. However, with it being a clone and a new blood line, there are still doubts over the compatibility and subsequently the real results that will be obtained.
In short, it can be viewed as a risk that could give many positives but equally many negatives. What do you think?

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