Timm Kyle: “I’ve Learned That Many Different Methods Can Work”

Timm Kyle su Casino Calvin alla GCL di Roma

Timm Kyle riding Casino Calvin (c) Stefano Secchi

From Canada to New Zealand and France: A Journey of Professional and Personal Growth

Timm Kyle, a promising 35-year-old Canadian rider, has been making waves on the global equestrian scene. His career has taken him from the renowned Spruce Meadows Masters in Canada to the United States, New Zealand, and eventually France, where he and his family have settled to pursue his dreams. Today, Kyle competes internationally and is a key member of the Rome Gladiators team in the prestigious Global Champions League.

Reflecting on the beginnings of his journey, Kyle shares, “I was lucky that the biggest show in Calgary, the Spruce Meadows Masters, fell on my birthday each year and so as a gift, we went to watch… I think this lit the spark of my entire life with horses“. This early exposure to show jumping profoundly impacted young Timm, instilling an unstoppable desire to be part of this world.

Timm Kyle CAN Riding Casino Calvin CSI5 20240901 SS356940 1 edited

“The biggest thing I have learned from seeing showjumping around the world is that a lot of different methods can work!”

Kyle has had the opportunity to work with horses globally, and each experience has imparted unique lessons. “The biggest thing I’ve learned from experiencing show jumping in different countries is that many different methods can work!” he says. “Our sport varies greatly from country to country based on factors like equine history, culture, climate, financial advantages, and geographic location. All these factors play a role in defining a country’s equestrian style. Every weekend around the world, we can see different styles of riding winning at the highest level!”

This wealth of experience led to a significant turning point in his career with his move to France in 2018. “I had been living in the United States for a few years, and while I had a successful business with amazing supporters, I struggled to envision where I would see myself for the rest of my life. In North America, the sport is very client-oriented along with a traveling program that doesn’t allow easily for a “home base”, long parts of the year in Florida/California, Kentucky, New York, and Canada. I had previously lived in Europe in Germany and Netherlands where I also didn’t feel that I could see my life in 10-20 years” Timm explains. After seeking advice from Edouard Couperie and Eric Negre, whom he had known previously, he decided to relocate to France. “Now, six years later, I can say I’m very happy here in France. My family and I have just moved to our stable which we have been building for the last 3 years and we have a great relationship with Edouard and Adeline, Eric sadly passed away a few years ago.”

Before settling in France, Kyle had a formative experience in New Zealand. “This choice and experience were among the best things I’ve done in my life,” he says. “I was given incredible responsibilities for my age, and through this experience, I learned many life lessons that I still carry with me today. Perhaps I was young and naïve, but I was never afraid of this opportunity. It was full of excitement! New Zealand was a wonderful place, full of wonderful people, many of whom I still keep in touch with or see occasionally at shows.” This period not only broadened Timm’s horizons. It also strengthened his determination to pursue his passion for showjumping on a global scale.

Timm Kyle riding Casino Calvin
Timm Kyle riding Casino Calvin (c) Stefano Secchi

The role of horses and the importance of teamwork

For Kyle, every horse has left its mark, but some have been particularly influential. “I think every horse has shaped me, for better or worse! For sure, Vagabon des Forets, with whom I jumped my first senior Nations Cup, and Bentley de Sury, with whom I first competed in the Nations Cup final in Barcelona, come to mind,” he reflects. Currently, he is working with two incredible horses: “Casino Calvin and Candar Mail are allowing me to compete in incredible shows and fight for results I’ve only dreamed of! I’m very lucky to ride them, and I try to learn everything I can from them.”

When it comes to achievements, Kyle prefers to focus on teamwork and the health of his horses. “I don’t think any single moment has changed my career. I strongly believe in working hard every day and striving to be the best I can be for my horses.”

Kyle is particularly proud of his involvement in team events for Canada and his participation in the Global Champions League with the Rome Gladiators. “For me, team events are very rewarding. I enjoy working with others and combining ideas, so I really appreciate these team moments in our sport,” he says.

Regarding the GCL, he finds the experience both exhilarating and challenging: “The GCL is a great platform. I have a lot to learn at this level, and with such important riders, I have the chance to improve significantly. The opportunity to change locations every weekend is extraordinary: jumping in a small sand arena like London, then a large grass field like Valkenswaard, and then in a beautiful sand arena like Rome’s Circus Maximus, all within three weeks… it has been an incredible experience.”

Training young horses and advice for young riders

Kyle is passionate about discovering and developing young horses, a key aspect of his career. “One of my passions is finding, producing, and then eventually selling horses. I love to see our horses jumping even better after with their next riders and I enjoy the challenge of finding horses with something unique and then also matching them with their appropriate partners,” he explains. “For me always I have looked for horses with something special about them.. maybe their energy, maybe their scope, maybe carefulness, maybe their eyes! In the end, it’s the same as riders from different cultures, we should not block ourselves on one style of riding or one type of horse.

Timm Kyle CAN Riding Casino Calvin CSI5 20240901 SS356940 1 edited

As a rider, it is our job to try to nurture the natural talent of the horse and calmly train the rest of our partner so that we have an athlete ready for all the high level questions when they are asked.”

Aware of the sacrifices required to excel in this sport, Timm offers advice to aspiring young riders: “Be patient, take your time, and always think about the long-term goal with horses. Enjoy the good moments, learn the necessary lessons from the less good ones, but don’t let either change the long-term trajectory.”

Future goals and ambitions

Looking ahead, Kyle has clear objectives. “With Candar Mail and Casino Calvin, I aim to help the Rome Gladiators finish the 2024 season strong in Rabat and Riyadh,” he says. But his ambitions go further: “After that, I believe the World Championship in 2026 will start defining our 2025 season as we aim to gain experience in Nations Cups and shows that will build our resume for selection in 2026.”

A. Ceserani

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