The official mascots for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games have been unveiled!

tijuca 1

The 2 mascots for the next Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro have finally been unveiled.
The presentation took place in front of hundreds of children at the Ginàsio Experimental Olìmpio Juan Antonio Samarach, a centre that combines school education and preparation for top-level sport. The two mascots introduced themselves in a high energy display, dancing and playing while naturally posing for photos. The children added to the special atmosphere by chants and songs dedicated to the mascot duo.
The mascots, see the photo above, took their inspiration from the animals and plants in Brazil. The Olympic mascot for example is a mixture of the various animal species found in Brazil and appears as a friendly and cute sort of monkey. The mascot for the Paralympics meanwhile is a magical creature and a fusion of plants found in the Amazon Forest.
Both represent and celebrate the characteristics that make the diverse Brazilian wild life and nature stand out. The gold and green colours of the Brazilian flag also feature.
According to their backstory, these 2 mascots created in occasion of the games were both born in the Tijuca forest. However, these 2 friendly characters don’t as yet have names and in fact, the organisers will ask the public to decide in a public poll from a shortlist of names. See here for more:!home

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