The curious case of the pyjama-wearing horse
Staff at a fun park in Shenyang, China have painted a black stripes on a white horse to pass it off as a zebra and justify the almost 3 euro charge for a group photograph with the animal despite it boasting a flowing white mane.If a visitor enquires whether the zebra is real, the park management respond: “It comes from Afirca. What should it be called? A zebra!” However the paying public are satisfied to go along with the gag, as the comments left by a mother who had a photo taken with her son on the ‘zebra’ clearly show.She said: “We know fine well that it’s a fake zebra, but we’re here to have fun so there’s no problem.” A statement released by a spokesperson of the park maintained the same jocular tone of the visiting public.The spokesperson said: “Is it a horse? Is it a zebra? Is it a horse dressed up as a zebra? What difference does it make? What counts is that the public has fun.”