Show Jumping: Greece triumph at the FEI Balkan Jumping Championship 2011

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Three Greek riders took the first three places in the Grand Prix on Sunday 4th September, which brought an end to the 2011 FEI Balkan jumping Championship, which took place in Zagreb between 1st and 4th of September.
An extraordinary result obtained thanks to the performance of Alexandros Fourlis in GZS Cappucino Z, a 12 year old female bay horse, daughter of Calvaro Z: the pair finished third with a tie on the first lap of 88.59; Stelios Stavroulakis on 9 year old bay gelding Alerion 2 came in second, with one error in the first lap and a jump off time of 42.41. Greek female rider Hannah Roberson-Mytilinaiou, winner of the Grand Prix and champion in show jumping in the Balkans in 2011, on 10 year old female bay horse and daughter of the great Cumano, Natacha Delaunay, finished with one error in the first lap and a time in the second of 39.92.

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