Selene Finals Cup
The Selene Finals Cup, 2 phase category 1.45 qualifier for the final of the Brogaarden cup on Sunday in Bernstoff Park, Copenhagen has come to a close. Eleonora Zorzetto in the sadle of Villeneuve D finished the second phase with no penalties and a time of 43.58, ending up in 7th place in the table. The race was won by Swedish rider Peder Fredricson on Holiday KG with a time 39.40. Second place went to German rider Jorg Naeve on Holsteiner Coolidge and third place was claimed by Karina Rie Trielson on Quite Quick with a time of 40.05. Rosella Olgiati on Asjy van Berkenbroeck stopped in the first fase with 4 penalties and a time of 54.07. Luca Maria Moneta, riding Neptune Brecourt was not positive either ending the first fase with 10 penalties. In the First Horse Cup, 1.50 timed category qualifier for Sunday’s Grand Prix, we’ll see Luca Maria Moneta on Jesus de la Commune, Eleonora Zoretto on Vumpaci vd Zuuthoeve and Lorenzo Toscano with Rinaldo 163