Rhinoviruses infection hits Germany and Low Countries

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The dreaded Rhinoviruses infection has hit Germany and Belgium and is causing problems in the equine community.Most causes of upper respiratory disease are not life threatening, but cause severe anxiety and may predispose horses to life-threatening conditions. The two most frequent diseases are equine influenza and equine herpes virus (EHV) infection, also known as rhinopneumonitis.Equine influenza is a viral disease. The clinical signs seen with both diseases are fever, lethargy, nasal discharge, coughing and loss of appetite.The first cases were found in Aachen in Germany. The is started to spread. The Limburg is the southernmost province of the Netherlands, and borders the German region of Westphalia, with the province of Liege and Belgium with the provinces of North Brabant: all regions with a high concentration of equestrian centers and activities of the sector and this is why that due to the high risk of infection, all competitions this weekend in the area affected have been canceled and the structures affected will be closed until March, as reported by the authoritative site Vlaams Paardenloket.This same virus ten years ago caused the death of many horses in Belgium and therefore the concern of farmers are quite high, as this virus affects with particular violence in pregnant mares.

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