Raidho Healing Horses now available in Italian.

copertina guarigione con i cavalli 1

Raidho Healing Horses is now available to purchase in Italian. The Raidho Healing Horses method talks about how we can improve our lives with equestrian therapy and has been released via the Italian bookstore Hoepli. The innovative method, created by the book’s author Alexandra Rieger, is wide ranging and seeks to use our equine friends in our personal development and growth. CLICK HERE for more:
“In this book,” said Alexandra Rieger “I not only tried to delve further into who these tame and wonderful animals really are, but above all try to better understand who we really are through horses. For one simple reason: this extraordinary animal mirrors our emotions and reflects our realities like a mirror, which we often don’t see, what we really think, our contradictions and what are our limits and insecurities that block us becoming better, more secure and healthier people (both physically and mentally), more humble, capable of setting limits and to think and act with our heart: the wisest guide that we have in us. The horse always shows us, in every moment loyally in our interaction with it, if we really want to follow or not our ideas and wishes and what needs working on inside of us.”

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