Polo: Swiss win the Argentario

Polo Argentario 3

The Monte Argentario 2016 Golden Cup came to an end on Sunday July 31st with victory going to the Swiss team Eviva St. Moritz.
There were eight teams competing in the polo event and the foreigh teams impressed by finishing in the top three positions at the end of the week in the Golden Cup and first position in the Silver Cup. The Silver Cup was won by the Hungarian team Cassiopeia Polo Team who beat the Milanese team Mimosa Alcover while another Hungarian team, Las Plantas, took home the Coppa Comune of Monte Argentario.
The final of the Golden Cup was between last year’s winners Chateau Nine Peaks and the Swiss team Eviva St. Moritz. The two teams had already met at the start of the competition with the former winnning 9-5 but in the final Eviva St. Moritz exacted their revenge in front of a large crowd. The Argentinians Lucas Labat and Juan Manuel Gonzales were outstanding performers for the winners as were all the horses involved.
The prize giving ceremony took place after the final and was conducted by the mayor of Monte Argentario Ing, Arturo Cerulli. That was follwed by some wine tasting of the Santa Lucia winery along with local food products.
On August 4th the International Polo Coppa Italia F.I.S.E 2016 tournament will start which has been organised in collaboration with the Polo Department of the Italian Equestrian Sports Federation.
The tournament will see 7 teams from all over Europe participating. For all the information relative to the tournament and for live results click here: http://www.argentariopoloclub.com/

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