Montefalco supports Lorenzo Attili Memorial

attili lorenzo

“I was lucky to know him, living alongside him was a privilege.“ With these words Nicola Zampolini broke the ice on Lorenzo Attili, trainer and rider of Le Lame Horses (Montefalco), who is still missed at the Umbria equestrian center after passing away at not yet thirty years old on August 28, 2011. It was in 2012 that the Zampolini family dedicated a contest in his memory and this has been the fifth year of the competition.Lorenzo, for them, was “one of the family.“ With these three words, Nicola Zampolini labeled the relationship between Attili and the Zampolini family. “I at that time I was in Rome for graduate studies and when I came home on Friday, I often met him for dinner. It was the period in which it was planned to build what we see today in Le Lame. It can be said with certainty that the entire structure included the contribution of his ideas. Lorenzo actively participated in the project with my father and, once the work was completed, would be responsible for the entire management.“The National Horse Show A * 5 Lorenzo Attili Memorial (29/31 July) wants to be an eternal sign of affection to a great rider and for a young man who is remembered as a caring teacher, meticulous and always positive by everyone. “He also showed that but never forget that it was in a context of his greatest passion – said Nicola Zampolini – it is our requirement combined with the setting out of an educational message for all of us who have the privilege of being here again: the respect for life.”Those who knew him, recall his quality. But who was Lorenzo Attili? “Lorenzo was born with a smile – said his mother, Alberta – not a whim, not a whimper. It was fine to bring him everywhere. And so he remained for his entire life. Lorenzo always found the right key to face life with enthusiasm and determination. His first-ever drawing in kindergarten, it was a horse, and in its belly he had put his house. This passion has motivated all of his important choices. First of all, starting with the ponies at the age of five years. I remember when he was 15 years old he climbed the mountains and spend the afternoon with the horses. He came home and told me “Mom, now you’re the second person I have met after the bartender.“ He was happy as well, in the saddle. And to ride, to experience and learn, he was ready for all sacrifices. I never heard him say, “This horse is a nag.“ For him all horses deserve the same dedication. When he discovered he had leukemia he did not change one iota in his love for life and his dedication to others, maintaining that smile of encouragement that made us all feel stronger. Just out of the hospital, albeit weakened by the treatments, he wore the mask and went to give lessons.“When I tried to stop him he’d say “I have to go to my students, I cannot abandon my children.“ The “Le Lame Horses“ project was everything to him. One day, during the final hospitalization, I found him on the phone with Giovanni Zampolini. He had called him to make sure he chose the funds in French sand; Quali-Sol Toubin & amp; Clément. “Trust me, Giovanni, it is an investment that will make you a return. They will all be happy to come and compete,“ he said. Giovanni was a second father for him and he was excited when telling me “Mom, I am the fourth child for Giovanni, I’ll always say that.“I still miss my son, but at the same time I am proud of him, of what he was for his 28 years. I want to remember him as a child, while he was jumping with the Lego, or when, already a teenager, he showed me how he managed to jump over his goat, and when he could, go to Ireland to ride with Conor Swail. He was like that: humble, enthusiastic, positive and generous. I hope that the event dedicated to him is a moment of celebration of life. He would like that.“We want to remember Lorenzo Attili with some videos, riding Prinz Clintus:
– Catholic Grand Prix:
– Catholic indoors (riding Thomas):
press office Daniela Cursi

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