Longines ranking: Kent Farrington relegates Ludger Beerbaum into third.

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This is how the Longines jumping ranking list is looking at the moment.
Scott Brash maintains his leadership with 2940 points and it means that this extraordinary Scottish rider has led the way for over 1 year. USA’s Kent Farrington climbs into second place on 2680 points and in the process relegating Ludger Beerbaum into third place on 2654 points.
In fourth place, we find the current FEI World Cup title holder and German rider Daniel Deusser (2620 points) who leaves 7th place to Patrice Delaveau (2493 points). Marcus Ehning has slipped out of a podium finish (from 3rd to 5th) and is now on 2605 points. Kevin Staut likewise falls down the rankings, albeit by one place, from 5th to 6th. The Frenchman has 2580 points.
McLain Ward with 2460 points stays put in 8th place while Rolf-Goran Bengtsson has leapfrogged his way back into the top-ten. The Swedish rider has climbed 4 places from 13th all the way to 9th and is on 2374 points. The final place in the top-ten is currently occupied by Maikel van der Vleuten on 2360 points.
To recap, this is the top-ten:
1 Scott Brash
2 Kent Farrington
3 Ludger Beerbaum
4 Daniel Deusser
5 Marcus Ehning
6 Kevin Staut
7 Patrice Delaveau
8 McLain Ward
9 Rolf-Goran Bengtsson
10 Maikel van der Vleuten
Click here to see a complete ranking list: https://data.fei.org/Ranking/Search.aspx?rankingCode=S_WR

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