Longines Global Champions Tour set for Rome

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The press conference for the launch of the new Longines Global Champions Tour stages was held yesterday afternoon, and this year it will also stop in Italy at a very special location: Rome.
At the Hall of Honor of the Italian Olympic Committee the new Roman stage to be held in the picturesque location of the Stadio dei Marmi the Foro Italico was presented to the public. The Roman stop will be the  thirteenth of the fifteen stages of the Tour and will take place during the second weekend of September, from Friday 11 to Sunday 13.
The competition will be made in the central part of the athletics track of the stadium, at the foot of the extraordinary statues: as usual, the patron of the Longines Global Champions Tour showed great taste in the choice of location, which combines a high profile sporting event in a historical setting of priceless art.
The location, given its cultural importance, was submitted by the Ministry of Architecture and Culture and made available for the event by the Olympic Committee, which will also monitor its use.
The two forums provided will have flat roofs and will be contained in the crook of the stadium, to not interfere with the  view of the valuable row of statues.
A ramp, specially positioned and appropriately slip resistant, will allow for access to the field, while the field itself will consist of silica and micro sand. The horses will be accommodated in 240 prefabricated sheds.The stables will obviously perimeter the field, with access restricted to professionals, while access to the competition area to watch the competitions is completely free for the public.Full press release: http://www.globalchampionstour.com/Equestrian World/2015/1327/official-launch-of-stunning-new-rome-stage-of-longines-global-champions-tour/ 

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