Line-ups for the second leg of the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup 2015.


The rider line-ups for the imminent second leg of the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup in La Baule, France have been announced. The 8 nations competing and their line-ups are listed below:
BELGIUM: Niels Bruynseels, Fabienne Daigneux-Lange, Pieter Devos, Jos Verlooy and Gregory Wathelet.
BRAZIL: Felipe Amaral, Rodrigo Mesquita Marinho, Marlon Mòdolo Zanotelli, Karina Johannpeter and Pedro Veniss.
SPAIN: Eduardo Alvarez Aznar, Sergio Alvarez Moya, Paola Amilibia, Lucrecia Pilar Cordon and Manuel Fernandez Saro.
FRANCE: Kevin Staut, Nicolas Delmotte, Simon Delestre, Jerome Hurel and Philippe Rozier.
GREAT BRITAIN: Joe Clee, Spencer Roe, Michael Whitaker, William Whitaker, Guy Williams.
IRELAND: Bertram Allen, Shane Breen, Greg Patrick Broderick, Darragh Kenny, Cian O’Connor.
NETHERLANDS: Gert Jan Bruggink, Michael Greeve, Harrie Smolders, Wout-Jan van der Schans, Stefanie van Den Brink.
SWITZERLAND: Romain Duguet, Paul Estermann, Marie-Pellegrin Etter, Steve Guerdat and Nadja Peter Steiner.
Source: CSIO5* La Baule press release.

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