Jubilee of Mercy journey from Poland to the Vatican underway.

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Following the blessing at the Divine Mercy Basilica from Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz with the local institutions all present, including the Polish Equestrian Federation and representatives from the Italian Federation of Equestrian Tourism and Cross-Country such as the President Alessandro Silvestri and coordinator Riccardo Scorsone, the first pilgrim-riders have set off on their extraordinary journey from Poland to the Vatican.
The trip has been organised to celebrate the Jubilee of Mercy and has left from Krakow and is aiming to get to the Vatican by late June as part of the initiative launched by His Holiness Pope Francis. What’s more, the journey will be entirely on horseback. As well as the Italian Federation of Equestrian Tourism and Cross-Country, the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) and the International Equestrian Tourism Federation are also pledging their support to the initiative.  For more information, you can write to: ufficio.stampa@fitetrec-ante.it Alternatively, here is the website: http://www.im.va/content/gdm/en.html

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