Host nation announce Olympic team

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There has been a lot of talk and interest around the Brazilian show-jumping team ahead of this summer’s Olympic Games in Rio with fans and journalists alike all curious to see how the South American nation will fare on home soil and how far the team has progressed after making great strides in recent months.
The hosts have also announced their team for the show-jumping discipline at the prestigious games which is as follows: Alvaro Affonso de Miranda with the 10 year-old Hannover gelding AD Cornetto K (Cornet Obolensky), Eduardo Menezes with the 11 year-old Oldenburg gelding Quintol (Quintender), Pedro Veniss with the 12 year old Selle Française stallion Quabri de l’Isle (Kannan), Stephan de Freitas Barcha with the 13 year-old gelding Landpeter do Feroleto (raised in Brazil and offspring to Landritter).
The reserve rider has been named as Rodrigo Pessoa with the 14 year-old Zangersheide mare Citizenguard Cadjanine Z (Canabis Z) while waiting in the wings should there be any dropouts or changes is Felipe Amaral with the 13 year-old Zangersheide gelding Carthoes BZ (Carthago).

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