Horses Riviera Resort returns in January

Horses riviera resort campo toro 2 scaled

The season will start again at Horses Riviera Resort di San Giovanni in Marignano from January 26th to 27th with a two star B event. Then in February there will be a National Four Star from the 8th to the 10th and from the 22nd to the 24th which has yet to be decided up completely.
A new organisation, the Horses Riveria Society, will take over the running of the course from January 13 and they have organised events for the rest of the year. They include from May 2-5 C.S.I. *** + C.S.I. * ; May 9 C.S.I. *** + C.S.I. *; August 9 C.S.I. ** + C.S.I. *; August 15 C.S.I. *** + C.S.I. *; October 17 C.S.I. ***+ C.S.I. *

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