Horses preferred to cars in Molise

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Due to a landslide which has divided two council areas in Campobasso, the inhabitants have decided to abandon their cars and travel by horse, exactly as a century ago.
Turning back the clock has two aims, the first is to keep travel links open between the two communities of Sant’Elia a Pianisi and Monacilioni, which were struck by the landslide 25 days ago, causing the interconnecting road to be blocked.
“No vehicle can pass because the carriageway is almost completely obstructed, “ declared the inhabitants who have formed a protest group, “so we had to find a way around it ourselves.”
The return to the past also has the aim of provoking the province of Campobasso to intervene and halt the landslide and reopen the road, and horses are really being used. Today all the families turned up at the stricken area, the seven kilometres that separate the two towns, as a sign of protest against the local institutions accused of doing nothing to resolve the problem for the 3000 inhabitants as the hospital and emergency services are to be found only in Sant’Elia a Pianisi. The health workers now face immense difficulties in reaching other populated centres in the area.
The locals have complained that the elderly and children cannot continue to be looked after in this way and have the intention of even taking their protests to the local authorities. Source: wallstreetItalia and ANSA

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