Horses in Rome: FITETREC tied to the land

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There are two important events to be held February 19 to 21 at the Roman exhibition centre dedicated to the equestrian world. The “Maremma in the heart“ show by Fitetrec, which brings to the stage the old equestrian tradition and the culture that surrounds, by Conmar, who signed a central mission statement for the Federation: the connection with the territory and its promotion.The Horses in Rome, which will see the Italian Federation of Equestrian Tourism and Trec Ante bring to the fore not only special events and milestones will be an important event.There are numerous equestrian disciplines that fall under its aegis, but also initiatives that bring to light, concretely, peculiarities and primary objectives inherent in the values of the sport.
One of these is the connection, and its synergy with the territory and land according to the different Italian historical mountains and to the roots of each of them in specific areas of our country, rich in memories and traditions that are manifested not only in the peculiar mountains but also in the traditions and customs as well as in culinary and craft traditions of that area.
MONTE DA LAVORO: A FEDERATION THAT WELCOMES ALLIt is not just the typical areas of Italy such as mountains of Maremma, the Bardigiana, Tolfa, Murgese, until the mounts Sarda, San Fratellana, Sicilian, Haflinger and Napolitana -, but also out west, which in turn includes many disciplines that evoke the horse work with or without cattle in the American ranch style, which is common in Camargue, practiced in France, the Vaquera, in Spain, the Campesinos, in Portugal, and finally the Arab and English traditions. Fitetrec Ante has through its regional and national championships, organised events that express local culture. “Our goal“, says the president of the Federation affiliated to Coni Alessandro Silvestri, “is gradually to forge synergies with individual territories that have given rise to a certain works, promoting not only the equestrian aspect but also that linked to the traditions of the land around it, from crafts to wine, to the customs and traditions.”
MAREMMA IN THE HEART: THE SHOW OF OUR LANDHall 3 – Friday and Saturday at 20.30, Sunday at 18.00at Maremma, wild land of bandits, of reclaimed swamps during the Fascist era, with horses and cows, as well as the scene of historical and legendary challenges such as that between the cowboys and Buffalo Bill. As a tribute to this land and its traditions during the three days of Horses in Rome Fitetrec will host a spectacular three days which will see more than 100 cowboys from Lazio and Tuscany riding race Maremma and Tolfa horses, accompanied by a group of cows are also Maremma bred, followed by an old ox cart.
The “Maremma in the heart,“ show which will be staged on Friday and Saturday (from 20.30 to 21) before the Cavalli Official Gala in Rome and also Sunday (from 18 to 19.30), will see groups of cowboys from Labbadia of Ponzano Romano those of the Lady of Riano, the riders of Maremma, of Marta, the Butteri Maremma Grosseto, those of La Macchia di Scansano Pomonte, but also the Butteri of the Pontine Marshes of Cisterna di Latina, those The Bardella Maremmana Marta, the boys of the Riding Club Equus Tuscania’s, those of the National horse of Tolfa Allumiere, and finally the two Butteri
FITETREC AND CONMAR AGREEMENT: A FUNDAMENTAL STEPHall 8 at stand Fitetrec Ante – Saturday at 15:00 The signing of the agreement between the Federation and Conmar  of the “National Consortium for the exploitation of the Maremma breed of horses“, will be attended by Alessandro Silvestri, National President Fitetrec Ante, Franco Amadio, Commission President Monta Maremmana Fitetrec Ante, and Enzo Albiati, President of Conmar. Guests of honor and prestigious speakers at the meeting will be the Councillor for Agriculture of the Lazio Region, Carlo Hausmann, Chief Executive Officer of Fiera di Roma, Mauro Mannocchi and general secretary of the Countryside, Tony De Amicis. “The agreement, the first of its kind“, explained Franco Amadio, “includes a series of commitments by both sides, all aimed at the realization of initiatives and actions directed to the achievement of the goals and institutional objectives of the two organizations.“
“A great and important task for the Federation“ added President Alessandro Silvestri, “which along with its Department of Works, is developing an ever higher and growing aim towards the promotion and development of not only the linked area but also to the traditional mountain farming, healthy and quality of life of the Italian Maremma and horses such as the Tolfa in this

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