Hannoveraner Verband auction: First Class goes for 46.500 euros

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The breeding season is in full swing and it has been a period of intense activity which shows no sign of slowing down. Last weekend it was the turn of Hannoveraner Verband to auction off some of its best talents in Verden.
First Class was the first of 100 horses up for auction and the mare was the costliest, bought for 46.500 euros by Axel Windeler who takes the horse with him to Holland.
The second most expensive horse was Gitano (Gribaldi x fidermark), a product of Partnerverband Rheinland. Raised for 5 years by Gerhard Kieffer, Gitano went at auction for 42.000 euros, but will remain in Germany in Hamburg.
One of the best jumpers up for sale was 5 year-old Sveta (Stakkato) who went for a total of 28.000 euros.
The organiser of the auction Jorg-Wilhelm Wegener was satisfied with how things went and knows that every year he can count on loyal customers.
A good number of the horses up for sale went abroad with many facing lengthy trips. Avalena was sold for 10.000 euros and will head to the United States while Sokrates K, Davidanzas and Chapeau HK will all go to Ecuador.
It doesn’t end there though. San Christon sold for 13 thousand euros, Piaco T sold for 15 thousand euros, Fayola sold for 23.500 euros, Prinz sold for 15 thousand euros and Intschuschuna sold for 15 thousand euros are all on the way to Canada.
The bay gelding Lexus (Lacordos x Aperia) arrives in Italy for 6.500 euros and is the descendant of Lancer III and Arpeggio.
For a full list of sales and prices, please click the following link:

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