Great success for Project Islander in Fointanbleau

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“I am very happy with the hospitality we received in France by the organization of the competition and I thank especially Goehrs Vincent and his staff ,“ commented Nicole Berllusconi, president of the association for a few days, from Fointanbleau where the whole team had the opportunity to spread the philosophy of Project Islander on the occasion of ‘an important sporting event, the Grand Prix Classic.
In the gazebo set up at the edge of the beautiful race at the Grand Parquet, Project Islander could make known that its true and only purpose is to save from a bad end, horses and abused animals and collect many signatures.
Many riders and visitors have looked in requesting and receiving information in a few months Islander is doing so much to help those who are working in favor of the horses less fortunate by providing strength, time and lots of humanity
An audience that turned out as well as intrigued by the initiative were also extremely generous queuing up to buy gadgets and anything else on display, conscious that the total proceeds would be allocated to a highly meritorious cause.
Thanks to the organization of the competition and Grand Prix Magazine a charity event was held, a “diner de charité “ within the area, well equipped for the occasion; before dinner there was a video presentation of Project Islander and the activity of Italian Horse Protection .
Project Islander thanks the generosity shown by all participants at the event; the proceeds will be dedicated the IH , the association of Tuscany who first stirred the heart of Nicole with their work convincing him to devote much of his time helping those who strive for the protection of the horses rescued from human cruelty …

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