George Morris to appear on radio show to talk about his new book

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George Morrison will be the star of a radio show dedicated to horses. The American, who is a world famour horse trainer, will be the guest of ‘Tune into Horses in the Morning’ on Horse Radio Network.
After leaving his post as trainer of the United States, Morris has been travelling the world attending work clinics and workshops explaining and illustrating the concepts that have made him one of the leading trainers in the world.
George Morris will appearing on the radio show in order to answer questions from the calling public. One of the topics will be his up and coming book, published by Trafalgar Square Books, which is an autobiography that recounts his life and the work he has conducted in the world of equestrian sports and how the sport has developed. The book will be out in March 2016.
the show will also be availbale to listen to on the internet or can also be downloaded from iTune.
source: press release PMG
photo credits: Kenneth Kraus

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