Interview with Fernando Martinez Sommer: the great talent made in Mexico

In the equestrian world, there is a plenty of talents, and Fernando Martinez Sommer is surely among them. The Mexican rider has reached significant achievements in show jumping, becoming a figurehead of inspiration for aspiring riders and equestrians worldwide.
His admirable dedication to his job, his great horsemanship skills, and his special ability to communicate with horses are just a few characteristics that distinguish him, and which have led him to be one of Mexico’s most promising exponents at the international level.
The HSJ team had the pleasure of interviewing this admirable professional rider, learning about his sporting journey and the values of ethology and horse welfare that guide the ambitious project of Marwood Stables, the equestrian center founded with his wife in Nuenen, Netherlands.
The great passion for horses and his growth as a talented rider
Born and raised in Mexico, from childhood he found a family environment around him that fostered and followed his love for the equestrian world.
“For as long as I can remember, I have always had a great passion for horses, not so much from a sporting point of view, but for the horses themselves. I discovered over time that both my father and grandfather had a strong interest in these animals. They were not professional riders, but they had to put aside this passion, this hobby, because of study and work.”
A strong passion that therefore stems from a family interest and support, but finds its origin in his deep and personal inclination toward the world of horses, demonstrating, from early on, a natural talent thanks to his communication and relationship skills with these animals.
Beginning his competitive career in national competitions, thanks to his determination, he quickly earned an excellent reputation as one of the best up-coming riders in high-level showjumping scene, now also in the international arena.
Among his most significant achievements, the participation in the FEI World Equestrian Games (Tryon, 2018), and outstanding performances in the CSI 4 and 5* circuits, showing great technique and talent by participating in the Global Championship Tour & League, stand out in his palmarès.
2024, year of the great comeback to Prague Lions Team
As of this year, he returns to compete, for the third time, at the Global Championship League, once again enlisted in the Prague Lions: among several great performances, he earned a podium at the Miami Beach in second place, and a fantastic 1st place, with particular excitement, in Mexico City in the CSI5*, riding the outstanding Lady Van De Haarterhoeve (2011 grey female, studbook BWP).

An unmissable opportunity described by himself as “a dream come true, when they called me to be part of the team, alongside some of the best top level talent, it’s really a huge opportunity for me to be part of it”.
A winning partnership not only on a sporting level, but also for his growth in every aspects, “It’s like a continuous learning process. Of course, at this level there is a lot of pressure, but in a good way, because it encourages me to really give my best.”
The bond with the team is solid and present, as he confirms, “I find a lot of support, because they are all very present, both on good days and bad days. It’s really a great squad that always supports its pairings, and among us riders there is really great teamwork.”
This rider impresses with his natural modesty, putting all his confidence and merits to his horses, as he says, “I am really very proud and grateful for what my horses are showing to me. In this sport, there are always ups and downs. But I think I’ve had good runs with them, they’re approaching really high-level competitions; some are maybe still a little less experienced, but I’m very pleased with the results they’ve already achieved. I think they’re going to be fantastic partners, and I’m looking forward to what’s in store for us next year.”
Horsemanship principles guide his relationship with horses
The philosophy that has always accompanied his journey, is very much related to the welfare of the horse, both physically but especially also psychologically.
Even before focusing on the horse’s sporting ability, he concentrates more on establishing a communication and a good relationship based on trust between horse and rider, a fundamental element in achieving the desired goals in the sport.
He devotes a significant amount of time to training and caring for his horses, always emphasizing the importance of understanding their needs and behavior: “I have always been very fascinated by the psychology of these animals. I started with the idea that sport is a secondary aspect, and it still is. Really understanding horses in their nature is what interests me first,” he explains, “getting into their way of thinking consequently helps you understand and accept their more instinctive side, and they should never lose it.”
Following the basic teachings of ethology, his approach is based on becoming, for the horse, in full respect of its learning and growth times, a good leader: “to become a leader, it a process that should be done in the most natural way. The horse does not have to follow you out of duty, but it can stands by your side because it feels safe with you. The sport itself becomes easier if you have a horse that does not do because it has to, but because it is with you.”
Although he admits he can create a deep bond with all his horses, Cor Bakker (2007 KWPN gelding) is a central companion for his growth, as he confides to us: “I really believe that he opened so many doors for me. I took all my first steps as a top professional with him, from my first major competitions in Mexico, to the first time I left for U.S. and then toured Europe with, and the first time I participated in a championship. he was the horse that taught me a lot and gave me great opportunities to grow in the sport.”

Marwood Stables: built for horse wellness, investing in professional education
Another important aspect of his career is undoubtedly his commitment to training and developing a proper equestrian culture that has the welfare of the horse as its benchmark, and thus goes beyond sport.
Firmly believing that the future of show jumping depends on good education not only on the technical-sport side, he built this wonderful equestrian center where horses are not guests, but true hosts.
From ethology, to nutrition, to farriery, and more practical work both in the stable and in the riding field, the Marwood Academy offers several courses, all aimed at giving a broad education about the nature and the essential aspects of ensuring the proper mental and physical balance of this animal.
“we want to invest and teach the younger generation the profound values that constitute good horsemanship, where respect for the nature of these animals comes before its sports performance.”
Trying to pass on the knowledge and experience he has gained over the years, combined with his great passion for these animals, Fernando himself is the prime example of how studying and understanding this animal in its entirety, can really make a difference; in fact, it is not uncommon to see him trimming and dedicating to barefood maintenance in the stable, as a ferrier: “the more you know about horses, the better you will be able to manage them and understand this sport in its entirety.”
All of this would not be achievable with a large team to support it, as, in fact he confirms, “without a team that works with passion and follows the same ideologies of work and management of the horse as you do, it is impossible to achieve success. I work with competent professionals who love these animals and are always ready to give their best.”

Looking to the future: young horses’ projects and the strong partnerhip with Juan Carlos Franco
He has clear ambitions and well-defined goals, regarding his future: these certainly include continuing to grow professionally, constantly improving his skills as a rider and trainer.
He focuses on expanding his great job with young horses, helping to build a solid foundation of show jumping technique and equestrian culture in Mexico, Europe, and internationally.
The important collaboration, born years ago, with Juan Carlos Franco is an incisive part in his journey and for his future plans, “I still have a long way to go for sure, but I have great goals and opportunities thanks to him. After years of collaboration, we wade forward together and build future projects, focused on the development and growth of young horses. He is really a great supporter, a great sponsor, a great partner.”
Fernando Martinez is a professional showjumper who has demonstrated not only exceptional riding skills, but also an admirable dedication to horses and their wellness. With his rising career and his commitment to the education of future generations, he continues to inspire and leave an indelible mark on the equestrian world. His story is a testament to how passion and respect for horses, combined with the right mindset to do his job, can lead to success and international recognition.
The full interview will soon be available on our Spotify channel click here
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