Evita van de Veldbalie moves from Belgium to the States

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A rumor was leaked recently about the sale of one of Daniel Deusser’s horses, Evita van de Veldbalie, to the United States but no word on an exact destination.We now know that it will strengthen the team (already very well represented by Cortes ‘C’) of the formidable American rider Beezie Madden. So Evita van de Veldbalie will sail from Belgium to Cazenovia, New York for the John Madden Sales.
This is the third change of stables within a few months for Evita van de Veldbalie: in August we had in fact seen it at the World Equestrian Games in Normandy with our own Lorenzo De Luca, then it moved on a few weeks later to Daniel Deusser’s Stephex Stables.
It has not been announced when the new combination will make their debut, although it is assumed, however, it will not be long thus to relieve the tremendous effort but in by Cortes ‘C’ in the World Championships, the Nations Cup and the World Cup.
source: dehoefslag.nl

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