CSI3*-W Leszno: Piergiorgio Bucci in 6th place in the Grand Prix, the concluding race in the Polish event

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The CSI3*-W was the final race in Leszno Poland. At the Jezdziecki Klub Sportownsi, yesterday the Grand Prix valid for FEI World Cup Ranking concluded the event. On the track for Italy, Piergiorgio Bucci on Da Zara Porto Rico. The category was won by Poland’s Jarosław Skrzyczynski on Quintera, a nine year old Oldenburg as they finished without errors in a time of 30.68. Second place to Ukraine and Bjorn Nagel on Common Sense in 0/0/31.41. Third place to Danish rider Camilla Enemark on Regino. Bucci finished without penalties and, in the Jump-Off, obtained an excellent 32.05 which was valid for 6th place in the final classifications. For Simone Coata on Mirage de Levaux, after good performances in the last few days, an unfortunate retirement.

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