Cesena: GP of Calzolari brings July to an end at Savio

Savio 1

It was the last weeend of racing for July at the Savio hippodrome of Cesena before an exciting August starts. The big event of the weekend will be the GP dedicated to the memory of Augusto Calzolari, tied in with the Confindustria Forlì-Cesena trophy. There will be eight starters and Ulberto della Sant’Eusebio should be one of the main attractions along with Farolfi. The other big contenders will be Up Effe and Uvex Breed while there are some doubts about the fitness of Urgania and Upupa Rl even if on paper they should be the favourites. Loo out for Una Sheggia Mail with V.P. dell’Annunziata who could be the real surprise of the event.

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