CES Valencia presents its Autumn Tour ‘21

CES Valencia

As every year CES Valencia presents its Autumn Tour 2021, from October 14th to November 21st. Based in the 3rd most important city in Spain it will host 5 weeks of high quality competition, CSYH*, CSI1*, CSI2*. The competition will take place from Thursday to Sunday and will offer up to 3 Ranking Classes (LR), as well as a CH-EU Juniors and Young Riders qualifier each week.
CES Valencia is a high standing family club, with a capacity of around 500 horses, that aims to create the best and most homelike atmosphere for its clients, teams and families. With perfectly equipped facilities, 15 minutes from the city and 10 minutes from the airport, CES Valencia is the perfect place to feel at home.
This year CES Valencia has implemented a week of rest after the second week of competition that will take place from October 25 to November 4, in order to prepare the facilities for the next three weeks of exceptional competition.
As it is the Tour’s mission to reach excellence, this year CES Valencia reestablishes its Future Stars Trophy, a championship where the main objective is to support the world of young horses and reward their owners. This Tournament will consist of two different trophies, the first one will be awarded to the best young horse in each category with the points obtained in the finals of Week 1 and 2; while the second will collect the results of the last 3 weeks. The prize will consist of an extra cash prize and a nice trophy for the owner.
With the arrival of the new normal, CES Valencia is looking forward to its Fall Tour more than ever. Do not wait any longer and let you and your horses live the best experience under the warm welcome of the Mediterranean sun.

Press Release CES Valencia

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