Busy week for young riders in Fontainbleau with european titles up for grabs

Detail France JUN NC Gorla 2018 mod 0

The European Championships for young riders 2018 are almost ready to start in Fontainebleau, France, where 600 athletes from 30 nations are expected to start the battle and gain the european titles 2018.42 medals will be assigned for individuals and team titles for Children (riders from 12 to 14 years old), Juniors (14-16) and Young Riders (16-21).The sport program for Fountainbleau 2018 is still available for the three olympic disciplines: dressage, eventing and showjumping.On tuesday 10th of July the dressage teams will be able to gain the first titles for Children, dressage challenges will continue the following day with the tests for Young Riders selections and juniors on thursday, individual medals will be assigned on saturday, 14th of july for all the categories.Starting from monday 9th of july arena will host showjumping challenges, available for individual rankings while the Children team titles will be assigned on wednesday, while Juniors and Young Riders will wave their flags on a first round scheduled on thursday, 12nd of july and in a second one the following day for the team title, for all the categories (Children, Juniors and Young Riders) individual titles will be assigned on sunday, 15th of july.Eventing riders will be on the fields starting from thursday 12nd of july on the Petit Parquet for the two-day dressage test, on saturday they will test their skills in cross country before the final test on showjumping scheduled on sunday, 15th of july after the vet checks.The showjumping course will be set up by Gregory Bodo from France, while for eventers the course will designed by another french designer, Pierre Michelet.Source: www.fontainebleau2018.comPhoto: Archive HSJ

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