Bonneau Pony International: a determined France wins the Equidia Life Nations Cup.

tour dhonneur coupe GAlleaume

On home soil, team France didn’t disappoint, triumphing in the main trophy of the Bonneau International Pony: the Equidia Life Nations Cup.
It’s an impressive achievement considering the excellent form displayed by the rival Irish riders in the previous days and the French team managed to come ahead of Denmark to take the spoils.
Camille Conde-Ferreira, Victoria Tachet, Sophie Chillet and Thomas Scalabre were the four French heroes and helped France to their second Nations Cup title after the win back in 2009.
Harry Allen, younger brother to Bertram who is currently in Las Vegas for the show-jumping FEI World Cup final, was also present at the important event.
The younger Allen is following in his brother’s footsteps and who also started his climb to the top by winning at the French pony competition and is now amongst the top-10 riders in the world at just 19 years of age.
Irish show-jumping then has plenty of reasons to believe in a bright future.
For all the results, click here:

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