Big evening at Agnano Racecourse

Agnano 14 1

There will be a big night for those who decide to spend it at Agnano Racecourse for an exciting card of races. If some have decided to bring forward races to Friday and the more drastically (Siena) has banned from broadcasting public gatherings between Italy and Germany, the Department of Agnano opted for the middle ground. A big screen for those who do not want to miss the Euro 2016 showdown with eyes also on what happens on the track. In a rich evening of races there are fillies on the track with UNICKA favourite for an eighth win with ULTRA LIGHT and ULTIMALUNA GRIF possibilities. At 23:25 thirteen horses will start the G.P. Naples (mt.2100 – € 154,000) with UNNO CATHEDRAL favourite but UMA FRANCIS also in great shape. It promises to be an exciting evening all round. (Brudel)

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