Belgium win the 2015 Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup.

Team Belgium Podium1 0

Dirk Demeersman’s Belgium rode their way to victory yesterday and in convincing style at the FEI Nations Cup final in Barcelona.
Belgium immediately set the benchmark at this year’s final in Barcelona and stormed to first place in the provisional standings after the opening round. The team coached by Demeersman didn’t let their standards slip in the final and decisive round either collecting just 4 penalties overall and it was good enough to take home the 2015 FEI Nations Cup crown.
Once again Gregory Wathelet was the team’s star performer and with his superb mount Conrad de Hus, he cleared the course once more. Judy-Ann Melchior, partner to Germany’s Christian Ahlmann, was also in good form. With As Cold As Ice Z, she cleared the course and went one better than the opening round when the Belgian horsewoman collected one fault. Olivier Philippaerts with H&M Armstrong van de Kaepel wasn’t as accurate and repeated his performance from the first round while Jos Lansink with For Cento collected 8 penalties. The latter’s score was discarded by the coach.
Following behind the Belgians in the overall standings was team GB coached by Di Lampard. The British riders finished with 8 penalties overall in the decisive round and it meant the final podium slot went to Holland. To see more and for a full breakdown of the results, please see the following link:
photo copyright: Dirk Caremans

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