An interview with Beatrice Chiauzzi, groom to Emanuele Camilli

Beatrice Guglielmi groom di Odense Odeveld per Emanuele Camilli - credits Fei - Liz Gregg

Beatrice Chiauzzi and Odense Odeveld for Emanuele Camilli – credits FEI/Liz Gregg

Behind the scenes of olympic success

Beatrice Chaiuzzi’s journey into the world of equestrian sports was anything but conventional. Initially pursuing a career in architecture, her passion for horses, deeply nurtured by her family, eventually led her to the stables of Silvia Bazzani and Riccardo Pisani. From there, what began as a chance encounter evolved into a full-fledged profession, bringing her to where she is today—working as the groom for Emanuele Camilli.

“I never imagined I could turn my love for horses into a real job,” Beatrice reflects. “But sometimes life has unexpected plans, and here I am, deeply involved in this incredible world.”

Two years of achievements

Beatrice has been working with Emanuele Camilli for about two years, a period filled with significant accomplishments. Among the highlights, the Olympics stand out as a monumental achievement. “The Olympics are a bit of a dream for everyone,” she says. “But the truth is, the journey leading up to them, particularly with Odense, has been a series of continuous satisfactions.”

Traveling across three continents and collecting numerous accolades, Beatrice finds the greatest satisfaction in watching a horse grow as an athlete. “Seeing a horse’s growth is what truly fulfills me. Every small success they achieve is a huge satisfaction for me as their groom.”

The road to Paris 2024

Emanuele Camilli and Odense have qualified as the only pair representing Italy in the Paris 2024 Olympics. But the path to this achievement was far from straightforward.

When Beatrice first started working with Emanuele, she never anticipated reaching this point, especially considering Odense was only nine years old at the time.

“Odense has always been an excellent horse, but he was still young when I started working with Emanuele,” Beatrice recalls. “As the season progressed, Odense consistently showed he was ready for bigger challenges, facing each one with a calm demeanor.” The turning point came during the European Championships in Milan, where Odense’s performance qualified him for the individual final. “That was when we realized he was ready to compete among the best.”

The journey didn’t stop there. After securing their qualification, the team embarked on a rigorous schedule to ensure Odense maintained peak physical condition. “The qualification belongs to the nation, not the individual,” Beatrice explains. “So, from January, we began a new phase of targeted competitions to ensure Odense was in top shape for Paris.”

Beatrice Guglielmi groom di Odense Odeveld per Emanuele Camilli Juan luis cabrera credits 1
Beatrice Chiauzzi and Odense Odeveld – (c) Juan Luis Cabrera

A special bond with Odense Odeveld

Beatrice’s role as a show groom means she spends a lot of time with Emanuele’s horses, and while she loves them all, Odense Odeveld holds a special place in her heart. Their relationship wasn’t always smooth, though. “Odense is a horse with a strong character and doesn’t easily trust others. I must admit, it wasn’t love at first sight!”

It took time for Beatrice and Odense to build mutual trust, but today, their bond is undeniable. “I’m convinced he sees me as part of his herd, just as I see him as part of mine,” she says. Beatrice’s goal is to keep Odense happy and serene, whether through a gentle stroke or a walk in the grass. “I believe he feels the love that surrounds him. Some might say he’s spoiled, but I think he deserves it, considering how much he—and all horses—do for us.”

Experiencing the Olympics

Reflecting on the experience of the Paris Olympics, Beatrice admits, “Honestly? I still haven’t fully realized what happened!” The event was a whirlwind of emotions, but it was also the culmination of a year-long journey. “The most challenging part is maintaining the horse’s physical and mental condition up until the end. It’s a team effort that involves not just the rider and groom, but also the farrier, veterinarian, and everyone back home.”

Once at the Olympics, most of the hard work was done. “The major task is to ride well during the two courses, and Emanuele and Odense succeeded in that,” Beatrice says with pride.

The olympic dream

For Beatrice, sharing the Olympic experience with Odense was the realization of a childhood dream. “When I was little, I often said I wanted to go to the Olympics when I grew up. Achieving that with my favorite adventure companion is the fulfillment of a dream,” she shares.

Despite not being in the arena herself, Beatrice feels deeply

connected to every success and failure Emanuele and Odense experience. “Every time they enter the arena, I feel like I’m there with them.”

Behind the scenes at the Olympics

From a behind-the-scenes perspective, Beatrice highlights the unique atmosphere of the Olympics as the best part of the experience. “For two weeks, you’re part of a multitude of athletes from all over the world, each representing their country in various competitions. It’s incredible to be part of something so big and important on a global level.”

When it comes to the facilities, Beatrice was impressed with the treatment of the horses. “The horses were treated like the true Olympic athletes they are! We had spacious stalls, green areas for walks, clean showers, and air conditioning in the stables.” For the grooms, having drinks and food readily available was a much-appreciated comfort during long workdays.

Lessons and future goals

As for improvements, Beatrice suggests reconsidering the timing of competitions to avoid the heat of the day. “Maybe starting competitions at 2:00 p.m. isn’t the wisest idea, especially considering animal welfare,” she notes. While she acknowledges the steps already taken to improve the recognition of show grooms, she believes there’s still room for growth, particularly in Italy. “Abroad, the role of the show groom is much more recognized than in Italy, where the importance of this role isn’t always understood.”

Looking to the future, Beatrice hasn’t yet set specific goals, but she dreams of accompanying Emanuele and Odense to the World Championships in Aachen in 2026 and perhaps even to a second Olympics in Los Angeles in 2028. “For now, I’m just enjoying every success with Odense, waiting to see what the future holds.”

In her journey, Beatrice exemplifies the dedication and passion that are vital behind the scenes in the equestrian world. Her story is a reminder of the hard work and love that contribute to every moment of triumph on the world stage.

V. Sozzi

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