Beezie Madden the latest casualty of weekend injuries

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Unfortunately, there was a couple of rather serious injuries to report from the past weekend. In addition to the one already reported on the website to Urico, performer of Ben Maher, there is also the sad Equestrian World to report of an injury to rider Beezie Madden.
The US lady-rider was racing on Breitling LS at the Empire State Grand Prix in Old Salem when she and her horse fell over a water obstacle. Both the horse and rider managed to pick themselves back up straight away and leave the course. However, the post medical visit revealed a broken collar-bone which has since been operated on at the New York hospital. It’s not yet clear how long the rider will be out of action but Beezie is desperate to get back riding as soon as possible.
(source: john madden sales)
In other related injury Equestrian World, Lunatic of Swedish rider Jens Frederics is also set for a spell on the sidelines. The performer suffered with pain in its front legs in Lummen and will have to rest up for 3 weeks as a result. The horse has been given a recovery programme in the meantime and should be available again for the end of July.
This site sincerely hopes to see all of its injured protagonists of the show-jumping world back in action and at their best as soon as possible. 

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