Alltech searching the Equine Heroes

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Very nice initiative promoted from Alltech, the main sponsor of the World Equestrian Games 2014 in Normandy.
Is called Equine Hero and it wants to recognize in everyone takes care about horses an Equine Hero.
“Behind every aspiring champion there is always an unsung hero“, this is the slogan of the initiative, the hero is everyone deals with boxes, fields or feed.
A fundamental work but a lot of times is underestimated, equine heroes are people that provides with their time and their knowledges for the health and wellness of the horses: the rider that at 5 am is on the saddle with rain and sun, the groom that at 6 am prepares the horses they have to go in competition or the blacksmith that bears a constant backache to continue his work.
But not only, Equine Heroes could be also the parents that give up their saturday afternoon to bring the children to the riding lesson or the volunteers that take care of the neglected horses.
There are Equine Heroes all around us, Alltech wants to identificate and celebrate them, the unknowned heroes of the equestrian world.
Here you can find the form to complete and send to Alltech your nomination:

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