Albert Voorn makes a desperate appeal for Tobalio

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The consequences of the Eurocommerce affair have been well publicised, with the most noteworthy case coming in the form of rider Gerco Schroder who has been caught up more than most in the bankruptcy of the team.
However, there is also another case and a rider whose career is at risk. We’re speaking about Albert Voorn, who after a victory in the Nations Cup Stage in La Baule with the Dutch team on Tobalio, is now facing the prospect of parting ways with the performer who has been inserted in the auction list organised by Rabobank.
After years of trialing different performers, Tobalio was supposed to be the performer to help re-launch Voorn’s career at the highest international stage but the risk of losing him is now close to a foregone conclusion.
For this reason, the rider has made an appeal through his facebook page in search of financial backers to give him the chance to take Tobalio away from the fierce competition at the auction set for this week. The bidding price for Tobalio (Numero Uno x Obalia B) starts at 50,000 euros while the website where you can take part at the auction is as follows:

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