A trained eye: how to see distances and help our horses

cavallo che riprende l'attività sportiva dopo la pausa estiva

One of the greatest challenges for show jumping riders, or at least for most of them, is “how to see distances?”.

Especially when you’re a beginner and competing in your first events… There are so many things to think about: remember the course, apply the leg, don’t pull, look ahead, open your shoulders, release but maintain control… how is it possible to do all of this while galloping from one jump to another, perhaps trying to make a tight turn, or positioning exactly where the instructor suggests?

It’s not easy, but with experience, confidence, and security, it becomes manageable. Seeing distances is an innate skill for some (lucky them!) and a skill to train for others, but with consistency and a few tricks of the trade, it’s achievable!

A Holistic Assessment

Firstly, when focusing on finding the correct take-off distance, the exact point where the horse must begin its upward trajectory, we must consider several factors. Some are external to the horse-rider pair, and thus universal for all, while others are specific and vary with each individual horse-rider combination.

Each pair is unique, so only training and understanding our horse can help us determine the correct distance for them. The horse’s height, stride length, and elasticity in approaching an obstacle all influence what the correct distance might be.

Of course, we cannot disregard more general and objective factors, but as our sport is a partnership, we must also evaluate our horse’s physicality and temperament.

Now, let’s consider the external factors, which are many and should not be underestimated. The first “risk factor” is the type of obstacle we are facing.

A vertical and an oxer, for example, have different depths, requiring the horse to perform a different athletic movement. The trajectory for an oxer, unsurprisingly, is wider than that of a vertical.

Another important aspect to consider is the height of the jump. In general terms, the distance is proportional to the jump’s height; for instance, to approach a 1-meter high jump, we must take off 1 meter before the jump, and so on depending on the height.

A third factor to evaluate is the obstacle’s position: broken lines, straight lines, and tight or open turns all need to be considered to determine the right take-off point.

Course Walk: A Fundamental Moment

There are so many factors to consider—how do we study them all? By walking the course, of course. A well-executed course walk is half the job done.

Often, in our anxiety to remember the course, we fail to make the most of this crucial moment, which instead has immense importance. Study the obstacles, their positions within the arena, and try to evaluate where to turn and at what speed. When to accelerate and when to collect. Picture yourself on your horse, imagining the most strategic moves to help them.

The Power of the Gaze

The horse will take us where we look, a principle we learn during our very first riding lessons. So, let’s focus on this aspect: look far ahead, identify the upcoming jump and its trajectory, and then shift your gaze beyond that.

As we are jumping, our gaze should naturally move towards the next obstacle; only in this way will we maintain an overall view of the course we need to execute.

Training: The Key to Success

There is no magic wand in our sport, and perhaps that’s part of its charm. It takes time, consistency, and passion, but anything is possible, including learning to see distances. We should practice frequently with poles and cavaletti, which are essential for understanding the right approach to distance.

These exercises help us become a true horse-rider pair, allowing us to get to know our horse and its stride. We can find the right rhythm according to the horse’s stride and, within the fluid movement, begin to understand when it’s time to push forward and when to collect, depending on the type of obstacle.

Understanding the correct rhythm of the gallop is crucial for tackling a course. And ultimately, let’s trust our instincts and, above all, our horse, without interfering too much with their natural movement.

Aiding Vision

Always remember our horse when approaching a competition arena. They have a different field of view and perceive images differently than we do, especially in terms of depth, which they can evaluate only a few strides before an obstacle.

Additionally, don’t underestimate the issue of changing light. Especially if the warm-up arena is outdoors, and the competition takes place indoors, allow your horse a few minutes to adjust to the change. Their eyes take longer to adapt than ours.

So, take advantage of the time at the “gate” to help your horse acclimatize and achieve optimal vision… After that: enjoy the ride!

Elena Pecora

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