A photo series dedicated to the appreciation of horses

Andre Thieme su Chakaria

We owe an immense debt of gratitude to our horses and the dedicated individuals working tirelessly behind the scenes.

This photo series is a tribute to the appreciation of horses that always give their all and to the people who make it all possible. Captured by renowned Canadian equestrian photographer Mackenzie Clark, these candid moments from two of the world’s most prestigious equestrian events—Spruce Meadows and CHIO Aachen—celebrate the heart and effort behind every ride.

We just can’t get enough

This Duo has been incredible in both Spruce Meadows and the CHIO Aachen, showing us what a real partnership is about.

An emotional Price giving ceremony during the Rolex Grand Prix of Aachen.

Andre Thieme showing all the love and appreciation for his wonderful chestnut mare that jumped three clear rounds to win the world’s most prestigious Grand Prix with his queen Chakaria.

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A very proud Felicia Wallin and United Touch

For two years in a row the magic duo, Richard Vogel and United Touch have won the Cana Cup in Spruce Meadows.

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The moment you just won the Opening Class during the CHIO Aachen and your Human friend comes to tickle your nose.

Horses know when they did well, and boy do they like the attention from their caretakers and favorite people around them

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Always be thankful to your horses

Horse owner Veronica Tracy sharing a moment of love and appreciation.

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The Unbreakable Bond: Laura Kraut and Baloutinue

The special bond we would wish to see more between horse and rider.

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