A.N.T.A.C. course participants speak of their experiences

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Last September 2013, the first training course for horse trainers recognised by the European Qualifications Framework took place at the Tara di Castello D’Argile Equestrian Centre. This is what was said about the training course organised by A.N.T.A.C. by some of its participants.
“This training course has given me a solid training and professional skill set that can be added to my qualifications and experience in this sector. It’s an important course that results with the obtaining of a certificate that is in line with European standards”  Francesco Taraschi – Lazio
“This course was really interesting in terms of the teaching methods and also the professional content. It’s different to any other course that we’ve done. The Tellington approach and Horsemanship introduced us to new concepts allowing us to broaden our knowledge. The outcome was positive and we thank A.N.T.A.C. for giving us this opportunity.” Valentina Torelli and Gianluca Senese – Emilia Romagna
“The course was thorough and the instructors were all to a high level. The training placements were also useful as we could carry out what we had learnt. It was definitely worth it, even though it was hard to follow the course commuting from Turin every week” Sara Bertoluzzo Gillio Tos – Piemonte
“I did the course to develop my knowledge of the field. It gave us the chance to learn new training and communication methods when training horses. The teachers made themselves available and it was interesting to learn from experienced professionals. I work in the recreational sector and I feel more able in my job, but also more capable of passing on new ideas to my pupils. I would recommend this course. ” Valentina Veronese – Veneto
“The course is a way of understanding the equestrian sector from a different point of view. The care and well-being of the horse are the fundamental ingredients of a qualified trainer. I believe that this course should lead the way in a renewal of the equestrian sector” Francesca Maccaferri – Emilia Romagna
For more information, please see www.antac.it or email: info@antac.it

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