A look-ahead to the main events taking place this week.

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The European Championships in Aachen may be over, but there are still plenty of big events taking place from the show-jumping world.
Our focus begins in North America and in particular New York which is staging the renowned CSI4* Bridgehampton, also known as The Hampton Classics.
Amongst the riders taking part we find Shane Sweetnam, currently in first place in the tournament overall standings, as well as Todd Minikus, Mclain Ward and Beezie Madden. For anyone interested in watching, you can do so at the following link: http://www.hamptonclassic.com/homepage/streaming-video
Moving not too far away, riders will also be in action in Canada at the CSI2* Angelston in Rockwood. See here for more: www.angelstone.com
Closer to home, there are several events in Europe. One of these is the CSIO5* Gijòn in Spain where Eric Lamaze rode to victory on the opening day in the 1.50m feature class with Fine Lasy 5. Brazil’s Pedro Veniss with Rissoa d’Ag Bois Margot came second and Saudi Arabia’s Abdullah Alsharbatly on Callahan finished third. Italy’s Luca Maria Moneta with Neptune Brecourt cleared the course for an excellent fifth place.
Gijòn is also the penultimate qualifying stage for the FEI Nations Cup final in Barcelona for the European Division 2. Ukraine are the only nation competing for points while the following stage in Arezzo, Italy (2-6 September) will see a total of 9 teams competing for the points.
From Spain to Switzerland, which after the San Gallo, Geneva and Basle CSI events, is hosting another big equestrian showdown in the form of the first ever edition of the CSI4* Longines St.Moritz (27-30 August). Next year, the event will become a 5 star one but focusing back to this year’s event, there will be 4 star and 2 star trials with 2 Italians present. They are: Simone Coata (with Cannavaro 17 and Virtuose du Val Tibermont) and Emanuele Gaudiano (with Caspar 232 and Clear Round).
The Swiss team that picked up the bronze medal at the European Championships will be there in full force too and there will be celebrations on home soil to mark their achievement in Aachen. See here for a full list of the participants: http://www.csistmoritz.ch/language/en/participants/
Once again, you can follow it all at the following link: http://www.csistmoritz.ch/language/en/live_e/www.csistmoritz.ch
Moving on, Germany host the CSI4* Turnier der Sieger which includes the latest leg of the important German tournament, the DKB Riders Tour. Andre Sakakini (with Bestinov V L and H W’S Saskia) will be representing Italy. See here for a full list of the participants: http://www.turnierdersieger.de/pdf/teilnehmerliste_csi_2015_08_19.pdf
It isn’t just show-jumping taking place and on Saturday the 29th of August there will also be an auction for Westfahlen foal. To follow the jumping action, here is the link: http://www.clipmyhorse.tv/en/
Italy welcomes riders to the CSI3* Montefalco in Umbria and there are two other three star events to report. One of these is in France (Valence, www.jumpingvalence.com) and will involve the following Italian riders: Chiara Arrighetti, Chiara Longo and Alberto Zorzi. The second is in Zandhoven, Belgium (De Kraal International, www.dekraalinternational.com. Follow it all in Live Streaming on horse-live.com).
source: fei.org

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