A book to be written on the d’Inzeo brothers

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It’s been announced that a book will be written on the lives of the legendary d’Inzeo brothers, Piero and Raimondo.
The book will detail the rise of the two athletes but also look at the lives of the two men with the help of the people that were closest to and shared in the brothers’ moments of success.
Photos will also be included in the book with some of the photos from previously unseen archives.
The idea behind the book on the d’Inzeo brothers came from Vittorio Orlandi who wanted to pay tribute to his friends and colleagues, while also informing the latest generation of Italians about the d’Inzeo brothers who may have only heard the name but not be that informed about their triumphs.
Umberto Martuscelli has been handed the task of writing the book in which in addition to the personal and sporting stories, will also focus on some of the technical aspects that dominated the period from the end of the 1940’s until the early 1970’s.

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