24 new stallions approved by KWPN including Grand Slam VDL and the son of Totilas

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The Ermelo KWPN Center approved 24 stallions on Saturday of which 10 were for show jumping and 14 for dressage.
Only one of the 11 stallions for show jumping presented to the judges was declined approval, while of the 10 new entries Grand Slam VDL (Cardento VDL x Heartbreaker) was the stand out performer with a points score of 90. As for the rest, a special mention also goes to the following: Grodino (Eldorado van de Zeshoek x Celano, 84 points), Golden Dream (Zirocco Blue VDL x Julio Mriner, 85.5 points) and above all the 5 year old Elvaro (Calvaro x Heartbreaker, 83.5 points).The rest of the scores were as follows:Genius (Baloubet du Rouet x Cantus, 79)Gaultier VDL (Baloubet du Roeut x Quidam de Revel, 75.5)Graziano (Baltic VDL x Great Pleasure, 77.5)Global Express (Orient Express x Laudanum xx, 76.5)Elton John (Clearway x Kannan, 75.5)
Please see the following link for a full breakdown of the scores for the jumpers: https://www.horseshowjumping.tv/files/Approved-jumper-stallions2.pdf
There were 2 stallions meanwhile that came out on top in the dressage discipline. Giovanni (Chippendale x Scandic) and Glock’s Toto Jr. both obtained 86 points even though most of the attention was firmly on Glock’s Toto jr., the son of Totilas, the extraordinary champion.
The standard was very high with very little in terms of points between each stallion presented to the jury. Many obtained more than 80 points with Glamourdale (Lord Leatherdale x Negro) 85.5, Ferguson (Floriscount x Lauries Crusador XX) and Galaxie (Jazz x Future) both on 85.Please see the following link for a full breakdown of the dressage stallions approved by KWPN: https://www.horseshowjumping.tv/files/Approved-dressage-stallions.pdf
source: KWPN.org

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